Tuesday, February 18, 2014

london | a birthday tea party

i turned twenty on november twenty-second in england.
it was a friday,
a delightfully sunny and mildly windy day.
dan told me that he had been planning a surprise,
but the itinerary he left to secrecy.

we set out at 10 am sharp.
after a couple of transfers on the tube and a walk down many unknown roads,
which felt a bit like being blindfolded and led to a mysterious place,
we made it to the riding house café.

this quaint eatery, 
with its plush red booths & soft glow of shaded lightbulbs,
has easily become one of my favorite cafés ever (cue girly squeal).
oh, and don't even get me started on the food...

dan's choice: pancakes drizzled with caramel maple syrup and topped with fresh fruits.

my choice: fresh smoked salmon with a side of toast & scrambled eggs
(& a lemon -- the lemon is crucial)

after taking a stroll through a local market,
i thought the day was about spent.
then came surprise #2: reservations for afternoon tea @ Bea's

we were seated in the corner of the second floor,
right where the sun kissed us perfectly
& provided the perfect amount of natural lighting.

thus, my 20s opened with a beautiful extravaganza,
filled with all of my favorite things:
coffee, cupcakes, hearty laughs, perfect timing, & dan.
i seriously could not have been a happier girl on that perfect day.

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